Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Listen, the first thing that I want to make absolutely clear is that I am NOT whining, just stating what is (quite obviously) the facts of the situation here.

Okay, here we go:

I am 47 years old - not an old fart, not a spring chicken either.

I am trying to grow my own company since I cannot seem to hold a job for more than four years. I have been laid off from the past 5 jobs I have had. Who says the economy is good? Assholes!

I am taking online courses in an attempt to earn my Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology. And the financial aid office disables my account because I can no longer afford to pay them what they are demanding.

I am on my 3rd divorce. That's it, I'm done, women are crazy! Period.

I just can't seem to catch a break in all this. I am living one catastrophe after another.
No freakin' stress here... .

My blood pressure is off the scale; you can hear the blood rampaging through my arteries from across the room.

I quit smoking.
I quit drinking.
And God knows I have enough reasons to do both!

My friends don't talk to me anymore.
It seems that even my own family will only talk to me on the Holidays.
I am alone on an uncharted, sinking island and no one can hear me scream.

Okay, I AM whining. So sue me.