Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Thanks

Christmas is a time for revelry and good cheer. It is a time when family and friends get together to enjoy each others company, express themselves, and soak in the good feelings that this time of year brings.

So I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all of the people that take the time to stop by and visit my humble little page right here on the little old Internet.

In the coming new year, I will continue to bring you my thoughts and opinions on life, the universe, and everything. I will attempt to express clearly and concisely what it is I am trying to convey in a thoughtful and understandable manner. I will also try to bring you an unbiased (not) and clearly neutral (VERY not) briefly stated (whatever) excerpt of my life whenever truly appropriate.

Anyway, my Christmas wish for everyone is to make it out of this recession in one piece without too many scars. Keep the faith, try to smile, and buy bonds.

Merry Christmas everyone!