Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New President, New Hope

Well, if you have been abducted by aliens and were temporarily off-world for the past few weeks, Barack Hussein Obama was recently elected the 44th president of the United States of America.

Here's my take on it:

So he's the first black American to hold the office. So what if he's black? If anyone, male, female, black, or white, is capable of handling the job (ANY job), and they posses the talent, skill, and determination to perform the tasks and duties of that job in a manner that is professional and respectful, then, I say, they deserve the position.

Race and gender have nothing to do with it. Personal character has EVERYTHING to do with it. Things like honesty, integrity, dedication, thoroughness, attention to detail, and more define who we are not only as Americans, but as citizens of the planet Earth and as friends and neighbors, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers.

So I say to you, President Obama, good luck and God speed. You have all of my best wishes and my faith that you will pull our country out of the terrifying funk that it has sunk itself into. We, the citizenry of this glorious country, are behind you all the way!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Only The Strong Survive

Well folks, it's 2009 and there is a world of hurt going on out there.

I'm sure that I don't have to mention how terrifying the economy has become, although Congress may still be somewhat hesitant to admit that we are in a recession. I suppose that it is comforting to know, if you can call it that, that it is very much the same all around the globe.

People from all walks of life, from every nation, and in just about every home, things are stressful at best and only getting worse.

But we just can't let it get the best of us; this happens every 5 to 10 years - some worse than others such as in the current cycle, but it ALWAYS gets better. Even the Great Depression last century went away, eventually. Wars end, disasters are overcome, and life goes on. We must not give up, we must not falter, we must not tire of the unending challenges that face us on a daily basis.

Personally, I had my third (AND FINAL) marriage end two and a half months ago. Sure it hurt, of course I was depressed and felt lost, and naturally I just shuttered myself in and sulked in a brooding maelstrom of infernal despair.

But I got over it! Now I feel great; I am recharged and energized looking forward to the exciting life that lies ahead of me unencumbered by the contemptibly toxic relationship that was putrefying my very soul. It's like walking out of a dank, musty cave into the bright, warm sunshine. And life, once more, is good.

We cannot get mired down in the worries and stress of the current economic catastrophe that is lingering throughout America and the rest of the global community. We must struggle forward and survive this challange today to meet and enjoy a better day tomorrow.