It is sad, really, to see such people shuffle along through life clutching onto such unrelenting bitter memories that color their world a malevolent shade of cold. There is just too much in live left to experience to let something so trivial and insignificant as a crashed and burned attempt at love.
There are other fish in the sea, as it has been said (trillions of times undoubtedly). Let go of the tarnished and rusting blade protruding from your heart, release your grasp of its relentless hold on you, turn off the endless loop of life playing over and over again in your mind. It is all for naught. It has no redeeming value. It won't help you in any endeavor you attempt. It is wasted and futile time spent clinging to nothing. Let. It. Go.
Life is too short to waste it; you can never make up for lost time. You can only spend the time you have in the best ways imaginable. Forget the past and embrace the future. V is for Victory.