Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Amazing Colossal Skyrocketing Price of Gas

It is amazing how much Americans will just go along with anything…
Raise the price of gas to record highs and dumb Americans say:

“Duhhh, okay…”

The sad thing about this is that the rest of American business is keeping a close watch on reactions of Americans to the outrageous, nonchalant screwing raping of the American consumer by the oil overlords because they are ready to jump on the bandwagon in the blink of an eye to cash in on Americans apparent willingness to be docile, drone-like sheep to be so easily lead around by the nose.

Food prices will be next followed closely by utilities and every other profit leech in the country.
Perhaps women won’t notice until the price of shoes doubles or triples. And all of these drones with cell phones permanently attached to the side of their faces won’t notice until the price of service plans doubles.

Hey, since plastics are petroleum-based, do ya think anyone will notice when the price of anything made with plastic (about 95% of EVERYTHING in this country) jumps exceedingly high as with the price of gas?

The excuse that are currently being spoon-fed to the unaware masses in this country will not prevail too much longer; then what will be the excuse for gas price-raping America? The refinery broke and they are waiting on parts? Locusts ate the refinery? In-laws are visiting the
refinery and won’t leave?


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