Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What are YOU looking at?

Well, punk?

(okay, I got nuthin')

Just thought I'd shake up the tree a bit and see what falls out.

Is there anybody out there???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At 60, I've been there, done that, had to print my own damn Tee Shirt.

Retired USAF Cryptographic Equipment Technician. Penguinista since 1997.
I run 64 bit Mepis Linux on my Athlon.
Now, that is the ultimate statement against the BSA/wintel cartel.

There are more people on the planet than have died in all of recorded history. That is the landscape most desirable to tyrants, be they political or commercially motivated. Everyone wants to build their own empire.

Unless you individually and collectively rebel at every turn, you will be assimilated into the Borg.

But, who has time to fight off so many powerful assailants? Every massacre has it's survivors.

The media pump lies into our homes. Advertisers promote mediocrity, and even once-trusted sources like the computer magazines are on the payola.

Back to trusting only reliable sources, who are vouched for by word of mouth, you should all check out the trolls of Microsoft making war on the grassroots Free Open Source Software advocates, on the Computer.OS.Linux.Advocacy. newsgroup
and through extremely slanted Yahoo stories in the /Tech/Linux section and over at the Yahoo Answers.

No Open Source answers are allowed in Yahoo. Open Source Users are eliminated, suspended, for mentioning Linux, BSD, even when that may be the correct answer to a Linux question. Been there, three times, in three identities, so far.