With the elections over and the lame ducks flapping about noisily in congress, we see how the professional liars, thieves, and swindlers are supporting their constituents; by filling their pockets, making their own lives more comfortable, and making sure that their wealthy cronies are getting the same.
The rich get richer and the rest of America gets poorer by the acts of Congress. The political system in the United States of America is broken. The rule of the two party system no longer servers the citizens of this country but only the members of congress, their political action committees, and the lobbyists that connive and grease the palms of those who would fill the coffers of their masters. This is what the corrupt political system of America has become. I am ashamed of what our government has become.
I love this country and the tenets that our founding fathers have laid down before us to make this great country what it was. It is no longer that way. The rich control the greedy politicians and it becomes a vicious circle with the good, God-loving Americans having to pay for their narcissism. Elections are a joke having to choose a lesser of two evils and, ultimately, not making any change for improvements at all.
I don't have the answer and apparently no one else does either. But I do know that something must be done and soon. The United State of America is losing or has already lost its leadership role in a vast majority of areas where we once did. This country is caving in under the weight of the incompetence, greed, and indifference of its leadership (if you can actually call it leadership) and worst of all, it isn't even the fault of the President. It is the House of Representatives and the Senate which is causing the decay of the political system and the increasingly corrosive sentiment toward American government.
Big corporations are freely raping the citizens of this country while the government bails them out with the tax dollars of hard-working Americans. The obscene paychecks and bonuses of the swine on Wall Street is beyond deplorable yet the cowards in Washington turn a blind eye. The oil and gas barons devour the environment belching out toxins into the atmosphere, the water, and the soil in every corner of the globe - but the cowards in Washington continue to suckle their teats. And when the homeless, and the elderly, and the unemployed have been pushed to the brink of living or dying, the cowards in Washington deny financial aid and vote themselves a raise and a raft of perks.
This is what I see going on in the Capital of our Nation. This is what I see happening from our elected officials sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. This is what I see tearing apart this country and demeaning its citizens. This is what I see killing America.
And I am ashamed.
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