I am becoming more and more scared of what is happening to the good ol' US of A. Our elected officials, who WE THE PEOPLE put into office, who are supposed to SERVE THE PEOPLE, who are supposed to have OUR BEST INTERESTS in mind, are completely, and utterly running amok. And not only at the local level, not only at the state level, but all the way to Washington D.C. - right up to, and especially, the President of the United States of America and his cabinet.
People, this isn't Nazi Germany from the 1940's. The government is taking away our civil liberties, one at a time, piece by piece. Our freedoms, the very concepts with which the founding fathers of this country established and fought for, are being consistently eroded to the point of irrelevant uselessness.
Case in point, this poor schmuck was only doing his job. What happens? The political highbrow doesn't like the question and has the reporter arrested. In comes the Gestapo and off goes the reporter. And don't even THINK about taking a picture of the police doing their job. You WILL be arrested. What are they trying to hide?
Now the President screws with our freedom and makes it possible to have any UNITED STATES CITIZEN arrested for ANY reason OR NO REASON AT ALL. A woman in New Hampshire was arrested for MAKING FACES AT A POLICE DOG.
Soon we will all be in state of lockdown IN OUR OWN HOMES. Big Brother isn't coming, ladies and gentlemen, BIG BROTHER IS ALREADY HERE! Try driving through an intersection, passing through a toll booth, or shopping in your favorite store WITHOUT HAVING YOUR PICTURE TAKEN. Soon, the government will know not only what you buy, when, and where you bought it, but the route you took to get there, where you go afterward, who you talked to, what you ate, how much you spent, and what you do online.
Is the United States of America becoming a police state? Will we all be prisoners in our own homes? How far are we away from becoming the communist country that we, not too long ago, defended ourselves from? I am ashamed at what this country is becoming. The government was originally setup to protect and defend its citizens. Now, it seems as if the government is protecting itself FROM its citizens and serving its own out of control needs.
I was once proud to be an American. I still am. But the way this government is treating its citizens just makes me want to puke! I am sure the founders of our country are spinning in their graves. I hope things get better real soon - as in the upcoming election year...
1 comment:
Well written article.
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